
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Weta Workshop

We got a new microwave--now no one has to clean the old one.

Pompus Pr***s--have you seen all those other blogs by professors at the other State Us? Why they got to be like that? Why they got to be all stroking even in cyberspace?
I couldn't imagine being all about me & my brain 24/7--then again, I'm on the dark side of tenure track, baby. Ain't never going to see that sh**. Jealous--intimidated. Sure. Can't even work up the courage to comment on their boring blogs--what would 67 year-old-white-guy-history-prof think of mojo? Why must I care?? Thought I was going to be like a, like a shadow--yeah, a shadow blogger--mix'en it up. Crossing boundaries. And those UK blogs--I so want to terrorize them. Leave squirrley parts everywhere. Make them think twice about posting their latest visits and photo ops at the Aegean Sea or Haikou. B*st*rds.

Does cyberspace simply replicate the hierarchy of the natural world?

Did I ever mention that I was two degrees from a woman whose mate works for Peter Jackson @Weta? Apparently he switched from Skywalker ranch to New Zealand to work on the LOTR about 3 years ago. She gave up her graduate studies, followed a dance troup down that way, and works on CGI projects such as a couple fire sequences in The Two Towers, Will Smith's face in I Robot (a very sh***y film), and now King Kong's hands . . . I saw some work on Shelob before it came out--

It's a dream--living in New Zealand & working with Weta. For a Christmas bonus, Jackson's Co. gave them 2 round trip tickets to anywhere in the world--Bet they don't have time to blog.

But what will they leave the world? King Kong, sure.
But I leave this blog--a record of ________ life, right here, right from the brain power of two glazed donuts and a shot of vodka. Happy Wednesday.


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