
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

An Email Excerpt

To My Friends Who Know Me, I Wrote:

Classes are going wonderfully--well, until I made the Short Essay Exam from h**l--how on earth will I grade all of these???? I spent 5 1/2 straight hours grading yesterday and just made it through the 1st 1/4 of one class!! No s**t. I am DOOMed, I tell ya.

Finally rented _Eternal Sunshine_ --what a doobie flick. I mean really. Not at all what I expected. Even though, yes, I cried at the end--b/c it was a bit 'real' relationship wise. But come on! Why would he leave the tape playing at the end???? S**t! Slap him in a crate too!

So, we were talking about Michael Jackson in WS (plastic surgery sequence) and this idiot finds himself in a comfortable spot (spacially he's in the middle of the room w/ a bunch of other white guys and young women) and he jacks off: "Yeah, I'm more black than him." F! I thought the black guy in the back of the room (I have two in the back who think their gan'stas, mouthing rap songs while I teach) was going to take him out. I probably would have helped.
How big of a moron do you have to be?? Knocked off guard, I spat back: "Define 'black." Everyone shut up, so I don't know, I don't know. Watching Spike Lee's _Bamboozled_ in my 152--not that it'll help my WS.

Want to hear some real funny sh*t? I did Irigaray AND Mulvey in one day--off to get moron of the year award--funny sh8t, eh?

I gotta go; I just don't want to grade.


At 3:53 PM, Blogger swamp4me said...

As Clinton would have said, "I feel your pain" in regards to all that grading. If I had to pick the single thing about teaching that I truly detested, it would have to be grading. Don't miss it -- not one little bit!


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