
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

The Lamest Tooth Fairy in the World

So, if I have imaginary twin sons,
why not have an imaginary 12-year-old daughter who just lost her last tooth?

I imagine: She lost her last tooth and it's the 2nd night of the fairy's no-show.
I woke up this morning, rushed into the kitchen w/ a SpongeBob song in my head:

"Hey you." Hugs and kisses for sure--I wouldn't be *that* wretched.
"The tooth fairy called me on my cell phone last night on my way home from work;
she said there's been a fire in tooth fairy land.

A bomb burned down the whole town (know the song??).
But she promises on the pain of death to visit you tonight."

My daughter would be so cool that she would just giggle.


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