
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Friday, January 14, 2005

These Weak Arms Are Heavy

People, real, alive and breathing, may read this blog?!

What a new spin. I'll have to think about that.

What if I get "caught"?
I mean, sure, a space where I can bring all of my "secret"
super identities together--then BAM--someone goes and reads it??

I dunno how comfortable I am with this--
I got sqirmmies up and down my back.

Who the heck is this "Asiam Shabbir"?

Now it's all about her/him . . . .
you know, what does this person want to read/know?
Now I'm out to impress---is it all ruined? RUINED?


At 12:23 PM, Blogger Jay said...

So you start blogging. Maybe posting a few comments here and there. People follow comments back to your blog. Fine, it's publicly posted. Then they start commenting. They say nice things. Pump your ego, say "You're a good writer" or "I know how you feel". Then they say "I love reading your blog, post more."

So you do. Soon it isn't just the catharsis of writing your thoughts down. The comments become an end in themselves. You post trying to appeal to your readers. A comment raises your spirits, the lack of comments dashes them. Then you put up a "hit counter" to see how many people are reading your blog. It must not be working right, try another. Okay, lots of viewers, but few comments. What's wrong with me? Aren't I funny? Provocative? What?

So you become a Blog Whore. Hoping to see responses to every post.

Welcome to My World.


At 11:06 AM, Blogger jean said...

yes, people, real, alive and breathing...from what i read, your true identity is still hidden. i sometimes have 'hidden identity' envy, because i am out, and it kind of sucks, because i have lots of stuff i want to write about, but i can't. stay anonymous, if you can. you'll be much freer that way.


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