
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Monday, February 07, 2005

I'm Such a Hack

Barely survived this weekend.
My house was fireballed. To the max.

Found an opposum in my trash can. Completely wigged out.
Graded all midterms and hacked at their grades with little to no enthusiasm.

Plan to show a horrendous "educational" film tomorrow,
because I simply cannot pull it together.
The music in it makes me cringe.

Did see _House of Flying Daggers_; what a terrific love story.
Georgeous mise-en-scene.

Must do laundry soon, or go naked. A bit too chilly for that.
Must grade journals--grade journals! Why did I assign them??
Must find an easier way.

BTW--All of the United States' economic hardships evolve, revolve
around the medical profession/health care. All of them--oil is a red herring.
Environment, smenvironment. The "rising cost of health care" is trickling down, down, down blasting the consumer, which in turn is boomeranging its way back up.
But what to do? Free health? No way!

I had sex in a car, on the freeway, this weekend.
That should make life better (?).
But, mysteriously, I feel guilty?

Too much to feel guilty about these days.

If it was Twin A's bday today, he would have smiled as I pretended to take a picture with the camera battery dead . . . the kids from Twin B's kindergarten room would have Oooh'ed and Aaah'ed as we brought in the yellow cupcakes with oreos and smiley-face party favors . . .
Perhaps I should give up being a Twixter?

I was offered a job at the writing center at my U. Measly pay 9did I tell that already?). Honestly.
Could use it for experience for 1 year, then go out and get my own writing center.
Probably end up in Appalachia . . .
I need a job. A real job.

The opposum was scary. Really scary.
My town is collasping in on itself.
Another school levy is up tomorrow.
Why not vote yes? I don't own . . . anything much.
And that's the way I like it.


At 11:58 PM, Blogger Nayeli said...

Oh...the journals. I did that, assign them. Thinking it would make them do their reading. But it's this Catch-22. Any work you make them do adds to your work. I'm not sure if it really got them to read, either. Oh, God of Teacher's Workload Reduction, what is the Answer?

The twins have different birthdays? I like that.

Was the oppossum scary because it surprised you? Or in itself?

Oh, and Hi...I dig your blog, etc. etc. But, really, I do. It makes me try to imagine you, which is more than I can say for most things I read.

At 8:53 AM, Blogger swamp4me said...

So the opossum gave you a start, eh? Here's a little nature fact for you: the opossum has 50 teeth in its little head, the most of any of our mammals.

Several years ago one of my sons found a freshly dead opossum out on the trail near our house. Being the child of environmental educators, he figured we would like to have it so he picked it up by the tail and started toward the house. Alas, the beastie was not dead, merely playing 'possum. My son pointed the critter's head away from him and carefully put him down on the ground. No harm, no foul -- both parties escaped unharmed.

At 2:02 PM, Blogger MC Etcher said...

Poor little critter in the trash can!

Neat, sex on the freeway! Was the car rocketing down the road at the time, or parked in the berm?


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