
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Ze Muse, She Speaks!

It's called _Gilgamesh_
and I get to read it and teach it
in multiple translations.

In the first day.

This History Prof? My old mentor?
See, he has teaching aids, hense his desire
and ability to assign 30+ pages a night.

Seriously? I'm going to love this class.
I'm up for a challenge.

What's your challenge this week?
You should have one, you know.


At 10:05 AM, Blogger MC Etcher said...

Ooooh pretty new template!

At 4:15 PM, Blogger Phil said...

to make it to next week :-)

At 6:56 AM, Blogger kazumi said...

This week's goal: try not to get frustrated by having to perpetually lie down (minimal walking) as a result of an ass of an operation (pun intended)....


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