
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Thursday, June 23, 2005

This Gig Ain't So Easy Anymore

Is it just me,
or did I just notice this copywrite:
"Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed."

Duh, does that mean I shouldn't by copying/pasting this stuff onto my blog??
It's the whole "redistribution" clause that makes me hesitate.
So I guess I gotta go back to links?

So I see a connection between these two stories:

Oprah's Crash


The Lions from the Jungle

but I'm not sure what the connection is . . .
[besides the fact that I wouldn't have believed
either story if it would have come to me by word of mouth].

On a more personal note,
it simply cannot be June 23.
I still have html to learn this summer.
I need to quit sleeping.


At 10:16 AM, Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

I've often wondered about that whole "copyright" thing too.....

At 11:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*PERK* Did I hear "HTML"?

They could get after you about the redistribution bit, but you aren't making a profit off it and you're a small blog... they're much more likely to go after the big guns. And you attribute your stories always. If they did notice, they'd probably just send you a "take it all down" letter.

Erm. Am I *advocating* copyright infringement?

Oh. And I think as a blog you can argue journalistic something or other which gives you more freedom in copyright (much like academics get more freedom).

But... uh... I'm not a lawyer and that's not legal advice and... um... please don't sue me anyone (says the person with a flaming parody of the Apprentice on her website, who is still waiting for the lawyers to contact her on that one).

At 12:38 PM, Blogger MC Etcher said...

On a blog, using a snippet of a news story is all about discussion and debate. Isn't that what all writers want?

As long as you provide the periodical name and byline info, it should be fine.

I'd be very surprised if anyone complained. And if they did, all you have to do it edit the post.

Besides, you're not hosting your blog, Google is.

At 4:22 PM, Blogger swamp4me said...

Hey, if you're learning html then you have to teach me!!

At 9:31 AM, Blogger SquirrleyMojo said...


thanks to all who pointed out the insignificance of my blog to the entire world--i bite my thumb at you.

meanwhile, i didn't think ethics was about weighing the odds of getting caught.

i bite my thumb at you again.

At 9:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what? i totally think ethics is about weighing the odds of being caught.

besides which, i can point out the insignificance of your blog because 1) your blog is traded on blog shares and mine is not and 2) you have a bajillion times more fans than me so 3) my blog is a bajillion times more insignificant than yours.

so, really, i'm pointing out my own insignificance, not yours.

do you bite your thumb at ME, miss?

At 12:34 PM, Blogger MC Etcher said...

Who said your blog was insignificant? I'll kick their ass!

My naked weapon is out: quarrel, I will back thee.

At 10:42 PM, Blogger Lillee said...


That's a lost cause, give it up.

At 10:42 PM, Blogger Lillee said...


That's a lost cause, give it up.


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