
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Monday, September 05, 2005

Good Monday Happy Warm, Dry Blogging People

I just feel so guilty blogging
while the whole world goes to sh*t, you know?

But the show must go on--and it does, it does.

Ever feel like a drama magnet? That's
where I've been this past summer and especially this
past weekend:

1] A friend calls and drops a bombshell
that I would have never seen coming . . . normally,
who is sleeping with whom would never concern me--
but this situation is incredulous. And people are
getting hurt.

2] My partner's ex-boss has written an outrageous,
slanderous letter to his current employer and we may
have to take legal action.

3] Another friend's husband has finally decided to share
his love of other men with his family & his 13year-old
daughter isn't exactly rejecting him, but doesn't want
to hang with him either (go figure, she is working
out her own sexuality right now, I'd wager). What a mess.
And I love these people.

4] My mum-in-law brought an ancient aunt
to visit over lemon poppy seed scones
and coffee: "Does genetics allow for 2 blue eyed
people to have a brown eyed baby? I just want to
know because I think my grandfather is my father!
Isn't that weird?!" Sip sip on the coffee.

Gasp. Horror.

Now that's not some sh*t you lay down over scones.
After about 6 hours of the purest torture,
and a smashing identity crisis for my partner,
we call her at home to get more answers.
Turns out that she meant her "father's father"--
which would mean that her mother
had an affair with her husband's father (ie. her father-in-law)
which in turn, would rule out, gulp, biology and the big I-word.
She just laughed. And laughed.

So I come to you, the eve of first day classes,
a bit crippled in the right shoulder blade
and with a raging cold--ears and flaming throat--
yet still somehow eager for classes to begin.

Retreating to a space where only critical thinking
and the proper syntax are equivilant to raw gold
sounds marvelous.

Of course, there's more drama, oh so much more.
But you will have to wait for the Mojo novel.
The novel that reveals everything--
and brings daffodiles out of mud.

OH! and just one last thing (I've been dying to blog):
you know Bush conjured up Katrina
just to take everyone's eyes off from Rehnquist, don't you?


At 1:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sound like you have a lot on your plate, squirrley. Hang in there. And feel better--drama is more difficult to handle when our bodies are attacked by non-relinquising viruses.

Thinking of you.

At 5:07 PM, Blogger Lillee said...

I've though all along that Katrina was a government conspiracy. I just can't figure out how they did the sound effects.........

At 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha@Bush conjouring Katrina.

But am I the only one who is silently horrified at how damn quickly Bush has moved to replace Rheinquist, especially in comparison to how damn slowly ANY government (local, state, federal) has moved to help Katrina victims?

At 2:36 AM, Blogger Vicarious Living said...

Interesting Sq, very interesting... I had not considered blaming Bush for the disaster itself, that's even better!

And as for the drama - boy howdy! Makes me miss my family ha!


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