
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Monday, October 24, 2005

Misc. Updates

Ok, so the Mr. "Intrigue" guy
never showed up in class today
and the exam is on Wednesday.

I have a sick pit in my stomach
that tells me he wasn't joking
and that I openly laughed at a student
in front of his peers.


One more ounce of guilt and I am washed.


If I had twin six-year olds,
they'd have to got to LegoFactory.com
and download this 3-D designer engine
that allows children to create and order
their own box sets.

For example, Twin B could "build" an alligator
in a 360 turn-table platform
and then order all the individual pieces (legos)
used to create the alligator.

And get this: The box it comes in has a picture
of the design on front.

Yep, my kids would be into this.


My partner is watching _Vampire Hunters_,
directed by Wellson Chin and in sub titles.
Apparently Chinese vampires are quite different
than Western vampires.

Totally more freaker.

For starters, they float. They don't move
their joints so much, just become zombied
floating corpse. And they suck blood from a distance.

All of this is second hand information,
because I cannot watch the film.

I once dreamed that my teddy bear (in HS)
floated to me from my desk in a most menacing fashion.
The end of scary, floating things for me.

I believe objects can float through mid-air;
we just haven't figured this out yet . . .
here's a question:

Can you explain why a small fridge magnet
can lift a paper clip against the pull of the
entire earth's gravity? Think about it.

I don't think gravity is what we think it is . . .
Something's up, so to speak,
and we are on the verge of a break through.

We, being the entire human race. Ehem.


Did I tell you that I have finally decided
to write a book?
I don't know what it will look like,
but I have imagined it into existance . . .

what have you imagined into existance today?


At 11:45 PM, Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

I can float in water. Science is a crock of crap which also floats BTW.
I also imagined your book into existance today..

At 11:52 PM, Blogger Lucy Stern said...

Well, If you don't see that student again, you might try to find him and have a good talk with him. It would be a shame to run off a student...

At 2:36 AM, Blogger sumo said...

You naughty minx...O Squirrly 1...I have been going to your site for naught wondering what had happened to the Squirrels...and found you on H & B2's turf. So I find you at last...I'll have to catch up I will.

At 8:09 AM, Blogger Phil said...

I had a friend who was Hispanic and a firefighter. He had twin boys. He named one of them Hose-A and the other Hose-B.

I think I imagined health today ;-)

At 12:46 PM, Blogger MC Etcher said...

It seems counter-intuitive, but magnetism is a stronger force than gravity.

Gravity is the weakest of the forces.

At 5:58 PM, Blogger Thelonius said...

Today I imagined into existence several conspiracies against me by colleagues and superiors.

At 6:36 PM, Blogger swamp4me said...

mc etcher is right. It always confused my physics class, too. Have I mentioned lately that I am REALLY glad I don't teach anymore :)


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