
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Friday, April 01, 2005


Hollywood's weekend rage appears to be a flick called _Sin City_.
Heard it discussed on NPR this morning.
This film attempts to "cross-over film and comic" in new
ways, where the medium of the "frame" is kept intact through coloring (or the absense of) and digital effects . . . ect.
genre: film noir.
why are (recognized/publizied) innovations targeted at/through film noir?

How will this film be different from, say, _Sky Captain [and the whatever of] Tomorrow_? or "filmage" of anime such as found in the _AniMatrix_? I really don't mean to, yawn, be hard to impress, but I am simply a product of my culture.
Yet kudos to Hollywood and its attempt to be fresh.

I still contend that the graphic shots in, ahem, _Polar Express_,
capture a desire to look past and through pure objects [for example, when the "camera" moves beyond/through the encyclopedia to expose a view point from "inside" the book, with the text, in this case a definition of reality, coming between the viewing audience and the boy who cannot see beyond said definition]. For me, any innovation will have to come from point-of-view.


At 3:42 PM, Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

I didn't understand a word of this so what Joe and Denny said..

At 4:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You must not be the geek I thought you were blue . . .


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