
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Class Action Lawsuit

Have you ever been unwittingly
drawn into a class action lawsuit?
I have.
On a couple of occasions actually.

The latest?
Against AT&T Wireless.
The joy coursed through my veins.
Last year, around this time, AT&T = the bane of my exisitance.

Apparently Mark R and Richard G,
whose names appear as Plaintiffs in the case,
would not bend over and take AT&T's missmanagement.
Ironically, AT&T had (they are dismembered now?)
severe communication problems between departments.

It seems that when members canceled their plans,
AT&T continued to charge them for the remainder
of the billing cycle for that month.
Tsk Tsk.

But before you get all excited for me when I type:
$2,100,000. 00
as part of the agreed Settlement benefits,
just know that I, along with a few other thousand people,
am only entitled to a 50 minute phone card--
if I choose to file a claim for benefits.

The $2,100,000.00 ?
Good question.
"Plaintiff's reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses."


Why do I feel used again? and again?


At 8:53 AM, Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Sears once had some kind of class action lawsuit against them too. I think we were somehow involved (along with eleventy million others) and we received a check for something like $2.50.

We tried not to spend it all in one place....


At 11:57 AM, Blogger Rainypete said...

That's always the case. I actually receved a check for 54 cents from a class action suit.

At 9:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, I have things I could say about ATT, but most of them would change this blog to an NC-17 rating and the rest would offend even the NC-17 folk.


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