
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Sunday, November 27, 2005

And the Grades Boil Down

*The Quarter Ends*
Not with a BOOM,
but with a fizzle:

97 Students/4 Classes

36 A
17 A-

13 B+
1 B
10 B-

4 C+
0 C
1 C-

2 D+
1 D
0 D-

6 F
2 N/S

This is not the bell curve you are looking for--
move along.

Even with 53 As and 24 Bs,
I'm still bent out of shape over the Fs--
no one should ever fail one of my classes.
I simply cannot comprehend it.

Oh well, guess I'll find cheer in a bottle of rum tonight.
Let the holidays begin!


At 2:32 AM, Blogger Matt said...

I was a poor student at times during my college years and earned a few F's. Yes, that's right, I earned them, and by that, I mean I deserved them. For instance...

I took Latin and got so far behind by mid-term that I stopped going altogether. I showed up for the final, on the day the final was supposed to have been given, according to the syllabus, only to find that the professor had given the rest of the attending class the option to write some sort of essay homework assignment (in Latin, of course) instead. Everybody else opted to do that. Clearly, I would have as well, if I'd been there. Instead I sat alone and bastardized the language in a pathetic attempt to stumble through her final exam, having gained no ground since mid-term.

I earned that F. And my point is: I'm sure your few F's were earned as well. Even the best teachers cannot persuade a student who has simply given up.

At 6:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Invisible--just what I need to hear as I walk the Green Mile to to the Registrar's Office . . .

And Yikes--Latin is not a class you can get behind in! My language of choice as well--


At 11:34 AM, Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Okay, totally kind of unrelated to this post but I dreamed of you last night. Well, not you physically....just of your name. I was dreaming that I was back in school and I had just gotten my class schedule and "Squrlymjo" was a teacher on my schedule. I remember thinking (in my dream) "That is so cool! I read SquirrleyMojo's blog ALL THE TIME!!!"

Crazy, huh?

At 3:52 PM, Blogger SquirrleyMojo said...


That's wild--
I'd give you an A+++ PQ--
especially if you took my writing class!


At 8:47 AM, Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Thanks! :)


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