
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Thursday, November 10, 2005

A Strange and Marvelous Being

E 117 has a new addition:
a nice young man from the U of D
who is adjuncting
because his partner is enrolled in our program.

I call him young because he appears
almost elvish--
for example, I hear, he dressed as Harry Potter
for a Halloween party--a convincing HP.

I like him. He is kind and thoughtful.
Funny, at times.
He's excited about teaching a 153
centered on Lewis' _Narnia_ series
next quarter.

But I think I like him most,
selfishly enough,
because he has identified me as a writer.
He adds to illusions.

Whenever I become sparky in the office,
he's been know to (twice) say,
"You should write that. Seriously."

Odd little snippets that I never thought about writing . . .

I guess I am quite the story teller in person too.
So why don't I write?

*]What to write about? Theres really is
simply too much to choose from.

*]What if I put all of this time and energy into a project
& if fails??

I'm sure you bloggers have the answer.


At 3:33 PM, Blogger MC Etcher said...

Oh, you're already writing, don't think we don't know.

At 7:23 PM, Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

Yes,yes. Happy Birthday Marines, ha,ha..
What if you put time and energy into a project and it succeeded beyond your wildest dreams..

At 7:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you liiiiike him

You want to daaaate him

At 9:43 PM, Blogger sumo said...

A college actually offers a class on the Narnia series? Hummmmmmm!

At 12:32 AM, Blogger Lillee said...

Hmmm. I don't know, but daily I am being compelled to read some of CS Lewis's stuff............

At 1:16 AM, Blogger Megan said...

A writer, you are, as one who puts words to a page (or computer screen, even). Follow your bliss and write the words that only you can hear deep inside your heart.

At 8:28 AM, Blogger Tim P. said...

Sounds like a solid guy.

What determines failure?


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