
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Goo-goo, gaga: I Am Dizzy

So, I get to keep the additional money
I was paid to teach this summer;
it was an incentive to show me how
committed this branch is to having me teach here.

Can you believe this?? {I thought I was a beggar!}

Here's my reply:

Hello Assistant Dean,
Thanks again for giving me a call today. As you've requested, I have listed the classes I am authorized by the main branch to teach below:

ENG 100
ENG 101
ENG 102
ENG 103

*ENG 201
*ENG 202
*ENG 203

ENG 301J
ENG 302J

WS 100
WS 200
WS 300
*WS 400

The courses marked by asterisks (*) are courses I have not yet taught but am prepared to do so. I have a fantastic syllabus, centered on critically "reading" the rhetoric of film narrative, that I occasionally use for either the 152 or 153--most students engage well with this course and it has become a popular class of mine.

As for particular quarters I would rather teach here at your branch, certainly Winter and Spring would be best. I still have lots of work and projects I participate on the main campus during the Fall, so your suggestion fits perfectly.

Also, thanks for offering space, advertisement, and refreshments for the Women's meet; I will certainly get back with you as I gather more information. If you would want to advertise, say, the WS200 for this Fall, I have all of Tuesdays and Thursdays open.

Take Care,

Plus, we showed my inlaws the house today! There's so much to do . . .
so happy . . . so overwhelmed . . . so blessed! xoxo


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