
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Nothing to Say--Everything to Do

What a horrid binary.

This may be the quarter I crack.
6 classes and a new position.

Could you imagine if I ever decided to have kids?
Yes; I mean billy goats.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

If I Put Something Up Here

you wouldn't read it anyway.

Who's cynical? Just lazy
and looking to justify.

Is teaching merely
an escape from blue color families?

I have 35 hours coming up. Seriously.
14 on the main campus; 13 on two branches;
and now 16 (paid as 8) for the writing center.

No wonder I want to go back to bed.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

106 Miles to Chicago

Should I search profiles--
broaden our community?

I'm such a spurter; I swing to friend-mode,
become everything you could need and want in a friend,
then, exhausted, lasp to silence.

In shapeless guilt I read emails
that won't be answered for weeks,
watching Prufrock's sugar become my own.

Gasp! Ever notice a connection between Prufrock's
spoonful of sugar
and Mary Poppins?!? Weird.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Spider Pig, Spider Pig

Oh the implications!
I now have so much material
to take back with me to WS101
this fall; further, thanks
to youtube, I can cue up the naughtiest clips--