
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Sunday, February 27, 2005

So, IF I Did Have Children

I imagine I would make the 12one read to the Twins
when, as Kindergarteners, they would bring home
those ridiculous "books-in-a-bag."

Only, my 12one would make up fantastical stories to them
b/c as a younger child herself, I would have
read to her in a similiar fashion--
becoming so bored with mediocre fairytales, that I too
would go off page and make up my own plot twists . . .

In fact, I could see her now sitting on the floor
beside the boys' bunkbeds
reading an Xmen comic and fantasizing
that George W. was, in fact, Professor X's arch villian.
She would mock his inaugural speech, especially the line:

"And then, there was a day of fire . . ."

I would be in the kitchen washing up from
3 days worth of dishes,
swelling with pride . . .


At 7:37 PM, Blogger SquirrleyMojo said...

Ah, that's the beauty of cyber motherhood--one only admits the triumphs.

If I were a "real" mother, I'd never admit, even while blogging, moments like bringing Twin A home from a birthday party, opening the sliding door to a mini-van only to find him sitting there listlessly, looking over my shoulder and saying, "Mom. I'm afraid I am going to grow up and be a loser. I don't know anything."

I'd never admit to a full fledge panic attack because he had looked into the deepest corners of my fears and mirrored my social inadequacies . . .


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