
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Friday, April 01, 2005

BedHead's "Dumb Blond"

So I just got back from my salon where I made a fantastic fuss over this product.

I mean, really. Please.
Perhaps I'm just too 2nd wave in my feminism, but I simply don't see anything reaffirming in the word "dumb"; yes, people can reclaim "bitch" and "queer" and "nigger," but how can "dumb" be transformed?!
Especially through a haircare product?

Same old horrible message being sent out to young girls and women:
Have fun being dumb! Just worry about looking pretty so when I have sex with you,
I look good too.

The other women at the salon didn't understand why I was making such a big fuss; like, they use it all the time (while they make 40%-60% less than the men who were #1 never told to be dumb and #2 who went on to higher degrees and then developed this product for pure profit).

Visit this website and utterly toast them if you dare:


At 7:47 PM, Blogger Louis Gander said...

Hello SM,

I havent responded to anyones postings on my blog, but I just figured out that clicking on the name takes me to the persons blog.
Please get in touch with me via email at your earliest convenience.
P.S. I am friendly.


At 10:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So once again I'm travelling down the street in my sporty unicycle with a Ooga horn, when low and behold I saw that damn bird that flipped me off the other day.

So I go all hard on his ass, I'm like "Listen up bitch, I don't like you harshin' my mello!"
And he's all like, "What? What? You going to do something about it?"

Long story short, he tasted damn good deep fried!

At 11:25 AM, Blogger The King of Kerwood said...

Wow, I didn't know humanity can get that vacuous.


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