Just Not in the Zone
Yesterday, and I believe this may be important to blog,
even if I feel decidedly reluctant,
a friendly acquaintance popped into my office.
I was a bit distracted, grading a few papers before class.
We hadn't really seen eachother in months
(conflicting schedules, it happens here),
but we kept in touch through email.
You see, for the past 18 mos. we have occasionally confided in eachother.
We each drew half a fish in the sand,
so to speak,
and recognized eachother as coming from similiar religious backgrounds,
struggling with the same religion v. academia hoopla---
As I've already stated, she popped into my office sat in a chair opposite me and slapped down some serious gossip. Unable to make a clear transition
into which role I was meant to play for this person--
"F*ck." I breathed.
Red light. There are people you can say F*ck to, and others you cannot.
It seemed to me that her head caught for a sec in mild surprise,
cocked to the side. She went on.
Next thing I know, she says,
"yadda yadda, well [a little indignation], I really don't know how spiritual you are, but I feel . . ."
and trailed off. She acted as if she suddenly didn't know how far to trust me in matters of spirituality b/c I had said the "F-word."
"Led? Led to move on?" I suggested.
"Yeah!" and the conversation resumed.
Admittedly, I was pricked by this.
In so many complicated ways that I am exhausted
at the mere thought of sorting it all out.
Well sh*t, you just never know who can take the F word and who can't. Me, I am seldom offended by "foul" language unless it is directed at a person in a deliberate attempt to insult or anger that person. But, WTF do I know...
Oh..fuck anybody that gets upset over mear words! There are more important things to be freaked out over than a few swear words...damnit! People really piss me off with this because they are usually doing something shitty elsewhere, yet upholding the "bad" word thing! Hypocrites! That was so liberating! (yEaH, tHaT's wHy I dOn'T dO iT oN mY bLoG eiThEr!)he he
That role thing, I sometimes think about it too much, which role for whom. Had put it in the back of my mind lately, though. So thanks for bringing it up again, ha ha!
oooh oooh ooh there you go, a new thesis on social constructs within specific socio-religious backgrounds and their perceptions of language usage.
them thar peeples what done gone had god in thurrr background , and whether they's all over cussin'
Oh, well...I guess we should all stop kicking against the pricks.
Top Ten!
It's not like you broke any goddam commandments, unlike me.
And, by the way, Llama!
Agreed with sumo. There are really much, much worse things in life than a well-timed f-bomb.
now wait a minute, she came in to GOSSIP, and was offended by you saying fuck? I personally find gossiping a more distasteful thing than breathing the word fuck.
oh, I came by to say congrats on being Denny's BOD, and got distracted, lol
I agree with dbdoberman. Reglious types I can handle, but religious judgemental types I can't. When I'm around them I can't help but wonder about their spirituality.
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