
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Friday, April 08, 2005

Keep Your Guts In

Cookie Monster has been put on a diet.
That's right & you heard it first here (well, maybe).
"'C' is for cookie, that's good enough for me"
may be changed to "'C' is for carrot . . ."
Ok, so I freaked. And a part of me is still freaking.
O Sesame, you have gone too far!

But, the truth is that it had to be done.
If all of my theories on visual images even add up to jack shit,
it had to be done. Children (along with my members of my accquaintances, actually) do in fact need to learn that cookies are a "sometime" food. Is that so terrible?

Yes! No! Why all the change?
O miserable Daily change? How can I keep up?

Blurb Bits:

*Watched, and enjoyed very much, _Spanglish_. Great flick--for Hollywood. I do take notice of the strict gender dichotomy the film pretends to examine and explore, however. Yadda yadda . . .

*I stopped the viewing of _Fight CLub_ in my 152 a half hour early yesterday & then blanked out. Zombie city. Could not remember why I did so, or what was the next step for the class. Flatline. So I let them go early. Robotified--who's pushing my buttons? Did that student (from the last post) VOODOO me, or what?? Really??!

*Bought new eyewear today. Hated every moment. Except my optomitrist. She looked & acted almost identical to one of my bestest best friends teaching and studing in Kansas right now. She was wonderful. Makes me want to drive to KS right now . . . Anyway, back to hate. How can one pick out decent frames without one's glasses on from which to see? Just tell me that. And the 'fashionable' frames now? Non-exisitant, really; Just 2 lens held together by a nose bridge and ear wraps. Felt disposable. Ick. So, I let some woman choose my frames . . . contacts? Why do you ask?

*If I had a soccer kid, I bet he would have been goalie last night for the first time and would have caught 2, count them, 2 balls for his watching Aunt. The crowd would have cheered while I was on the road, behind the wheel, fuming about the price of gas and my inability to bike 56 miles to work . . .

*Further, I bet last night would have been something like, oh, "Family Unity Night" at school. My partner would have taken Twin A, and they would have won a prize for being called on stage and acting out an improvization . . .

*But, I'd console myself in front of the blog with: "It takes a community to raise a child . . ."

*Oh yes! My resume. I knew I was unfocused. Helplessly unfocused for 2 days now. A small community hospital is in need of a PR person. I'm rather excited. I may have a good chance at this. It's the hospital where MZ works . . .
Did I ever tell you that I was once an insurance billing clerk? We won't mention that I was, ehem, fired . . . for name-calling. Me? That was long ago. Now I'd be great for PR. Wonder how much I should ask for? If I get an interview . . .

*I don't have brain swelling around my optic nerve. What a relief. Actually, I'm serious. Must go to doctor soon & find out why I am dizzy occasionally. Thought I needed new glasses . . . most likely, anxiety. Ear still aches. Health. Who needs it? I am so sick of wondering what is imaginary and what is not. When are "they" ever going to figure out the difference (I know, I know! intimately linked. Ok!)? Our culture has commodified health to the extreme--if I get an ache, I wonder what wretched disease I am dying from . . .

*Must soon blog about LbNA. You know, I could blog 4ever 2day.

*Eeeeiik. I'm such a spaz right now--50 to 1 says I waste yet another day!
Productivity is so over-rated. What's for dinner? Yoga? Sunshine. Breeze.


At 1:17 PM, Blogger swamp4me said...

Whew! Now I am dizzy -- must have been all those twists and turns in your post :)

I have to agree with the agony of buying new eyewear -- I am never happy with my choice and the glasses are always SOOOO expensive. Maybe if I wasn't so blind...

Now, go sneak a cookie.

At 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats to imaginary soccer kid who caught the two balls while tending goal.

Dizziness? Earaches? Could it be an inner ear infection?


At 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to bring a trusted friend with me when picking out new eyewear.

At 10:26 PM, Blogger sumo said...

I seem to be able to comment today, so hello SM...hope the dizzies get better for you...and stuff a load of cookies in the cake hole...or is that pie hole?

At 10:26 PM, Blogger Anvilcloud said...

When I go to my eye guy, he looks at my face, picks out three pairs, and I generally choose the first. He's very good and makes life very easy -- except for the price. He's not one of those three-for-one guys either.

At 7:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who would mess with the Cookie Monster? That's my favorite character.
Why not contacts?


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