
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Student, Stirrups, & Blowing Coffee

Fantastic, swampy!
Just the reaction I was hoping for.
Now the big let down:

At the, er, climax of our discussion
in WS last night,
I remembered an old argument
& posed it to the class:

Why isn't there an oral contraceptive for men?
To regulate the fertility of their sperm?

We had previously discussed the role of male-dominated
fields of medicine, biology, chemistry, etc.
up until the 60s [when the pill first came into wide use].

So, we theorized that male scientist,
when posed with the task of controlling reproduction,
chose to graph that control onto the female body
rather than their own . . .

Well, J [who is actually quite a sexy, 24 year-old, suck-up]
decided to expand on that argument
and, er, interject
that men needed to feel empowered & virile
at all times.

The predominately female class exploded.
Women need to feel virile as well, d*mnit!

At that point, in an epiphanic moment,
I exclaimed:
"You know what J?
You will never be in stirrups!"

The class roared.

But it's true (unless J's a lot
kinkier than I imagine), because men
dominate the medical practice.

So, on the one hand, with the exception of the condom,
the reproduction responsibility rests on the female.
And in order for her to have access to convenient methods
(ie. the pill, IUDs, diaphragm),
she must be subjected to utter humiliation
in the stirrup position (in most cases).
No wonder young, sexualy active girls
will not go see a GYN!

And men? Hands off my penis!
I had a friend who had a vasectomy several years ago;
he sat in a recyliner in a Dr.'s office!
Can you imagine if men were put in stirrups?

Further, I can only guess where this post has placed your minds,
but I don't want to hear any discussion about how
difficult it can be to access the female reproductive system.
Become inventive!
For instance,
what are those rollie-bench-thingies mechanics use
to look under cars?


At 2:18 PM, Blogger MC Etcher said...


At 2:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mojo, it's cruel to mention stirrups around me right now. I'm in a delicate state.

At 2:35 PM, Blogger SquirrleyMojo said...

Bravo Mike--I was trying to remember this last night! Doi!

But like the doctor said
in this article:
"it [is] now up to pharmaceutical companies to develop their research into a usable drug."

No one is doubting that the capability is/has been out there . . .

At 3:22 PM, Blogger MC Etcher said...

The article was written in late 2003, but I still don't see such a male contraceptive on the market.

Of course, at this point we want kids. I'm in my mid 30's and my wife (eight years younger) is afraid that my sperm is going to go sour very soon...

I keep telling her I'll be fertile until I die, but she keeps mentioning these studies warning about birth defects and other issues from elder sperm. She's a worrier.

At 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your Wife?

Since when did you two marry? Why did I think you said fiance at one point . . .?


At 5:17 PM, Blogger MC Etcher said...

Ok, you caught me. We're still only engaged.

Once you've been fianced for years on end, it just becomes simpler to say 'wife' than make awkward explanations.

"...Still only engaged? Gosh, why are you waiting?"

"...Because she wants to get married in Florida, where all her family lives, and we'll be moving there in like 6 months..."

At 7:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Recent experiences have jaded me beyond repair.

Recent experiences have jaded me beyond repair.

Recent experiences have jaded me beyond repair.

Recent experiences have jaded me beyond repair.

Wow, butterfly,there's something up with this sentence; I'll put my finger on it shortly.

At 9:09 PM, Blogger SquirrleyMojo said...

That wasn't a rant Butterfly.

When women discuss their thoughts intellectually, at any length, it's good.

At 9:20 PM, Blogger SquirrleyMojo said...

not that rants are good.

just that you should continue your thought.

At 12:07 AM, Blogger Anvilcloud said...

I wonder how many males get vasectomies rather than allowing their wives go through the more difficult tubal ligation? (Am I getting the terms right -- it's been a while?) Lot's I bet. Not sure if I was in stirrups or not for that, but my male parts were certaintly positioned to be accessible.


Anyway, re your comment to me. I am wondering if you read the preceeding blog? If you did, I also wonder how it didn't clarify at least some of your concerns? Feel free to elucidate as this BOF can be very slow on the uptake.

At 8:44 AM, Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Why isn't there a male contraceptive??? Because if there was and it came in pill form the men would simply forget to take it and their women would be getting knocked up all the damn time!! ;)

(No offense to the guys out there but my own Peanut King can HARDLY EVER remember to take his meds/vitamins/etc.)

At 12:14 PM, Blogger Oh great One said...

As a woman do you really want to trust that the man took the pill? If a possible pregnancy is going to result I want to be in control of the contraception.

At 9:58 PM, Blogger Tee said...

hmmm, as i recall, stirrups would have been more comfortable than the docs cold stainless table... but, then i didn't want to be comfortable during the snippage... i just wanted it to be done, give me an ice pack, and i'm outta here...

At 12:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, there is already a drug on the market that would work perfectly as an oral contraceptive pill for men: http://nursing.advanceweb.com/common/editorial/editorial.aspx?CC=33364&CP=2

It's male-contraceptive properties have been known since 1992. It's already FDA-approved for other purposes, and all that would need to be done is to study what the effective dosage should be for this new indication. But, nobody's really doing that. Now that oughta REALLY get all your panties in a bunch! (Well, it would, if this message wasn't years after all yours.)


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