The Visit; Post 1991
Didn't go as well I had hoped or expected.
I saw a picture of my sister and the father of this child
and noticed it was a prom picture from several years ago:
"Is this Chris? You went to a prom with him?
How? Explain--"
The entire story trailed through four men
and three children
[I feel horrible--not cathartic--at the moment],
and worse yet, exposed the naked violence of my family.
Yes, violence.
It all began when my 4'8" grandmother
with the flaming red hair
bit the tip off from a neighbor's finger
who was stupid enough to point it in my grandmother's face.
She also shot a lover, in the fog, on a bridge.
As a child, I stumbled across the newspaper clipping
tucked away in an old Bible.
That (when I found the clipping)
must have been sometime after my father
wrestled her to the ground,
breaking 2 of her ribs,
as she pulled a shiney black pistol on us
from a fake fruit bowl on her kitchen table.
She had a habit of biting her wrist when she was angry.
The list goes on.
Yet, because of Irish stereotypes that flatten women
into predictable balls of rage,
young girls born with red hair in my family are, well,
Every tantrum is magnified into a magnificient story
of ferocious glory:
the most recent?
My neice takes a pair of siccors (blunt, thankfully)
to a preschool teacher's arm
as the teacher tries to correct my neice's cutting.
She had lobed off a paper giraffe's ear accidentally.
My point is that red hair signifies(ed) an expectation
of violence and defiance of women
in my family born with red hair. Is this making any sense?
Only, instead of seeking professional therapy,
or any other type of outlet I supose,
my family remains caught up in this false pride,
a false sense of lost glory days (before the INCIDENT 1991).
ARE YOU SERIOUS?? This woman is really a part of your family? OH MY. My daughter and son both have red hair, stemming from their dad's family. They are all a little quacky, but not deadly. At least I don't think so.........
Great post by the way.....
No red-headed males with similar temperaments?
The red haired Irish side of my family is no crazier than the blonde haired German side.
Both sides have their crazies. Believe me.
Mental illness cuts across gender, class and race.
After reading my comment, it sounds harsher than I intended. Your post was sensitive and poignant.
that's just it:
is it really mental illness (define, please) or is the behavior a constructed one based on familia expectations??
hummmm, a combination? also, in instances like these I have an urge to break all of what we know down to the gene code (an impulse I firmly resist)--yet, what are your thoughts on that??
If I had the answers to those questions, I would be a goddess, not an anonymous blurb.
Maybe the German's are genetically as crazy as the Irish. Boy, that's going to get a comment or two. My German aunt used to answer the door in the nude. My Irish Uncle would get drunk frequently and pick insane arguments with family members. He was not popular in the family.
Define mental illness? To me mental illness is the lack of awareness of completely unacceptable behavior.
Are mental illnesses a part of our genetic code? I think so. Are poor behaviors taught from one generation to the next. Yes. But then there are always those people who overcome horrible family lives to become very productive members of society. Don't they share the same DNA as there poorly behaved family members? I don't deny that DNA defines us. But why would one ethnicity be any crazier than another?
I wish I could construct a sounder argument. That's never been my bag.
Anonymous, well said. Yes, I think individuals can break past the familial influence, as well as the genetic code. Kind, compassionate people are everywhere, even if their families hurt them, punish them, alienate them, disown them. Yes, I know that abused persons often have a harder time pushing past this. But I guess my point is that squirrleymojo is the kind, compassionate person who overcomes, however painfully, familial abuses and wounds.
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