
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Glorious Aloneness

I imagine that if I did have children,
nights like these, spent utterly alone,
would be rare and few.

In fact, by the first week of August,
I imagine that no matter how wonderously beautiful
my young children were,
I'd fall to the ground in thankfulness
when their grandparents would offer to keep them
for 4 days and nights . . .

How should I spend the evening?
Clipping pictures
and watching Christine Jeff's
_Sylvia_ for the first time--
you know,
to celebrate my first dose of Paxil tonight.


At 10:31 PM, Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

After your experiences with the last meds I think you should relax and watch a movie or something.
hope the Paxil works better for you..

At 1:35 AM, Blogger Cipkodok said...

No, english is not my native language. my native language is malay. thanks for dropping by squirrley.

At 8:23 AM, Blogger Lillee said...

I loved your post, "Of Sound Body".
I do not love the sound of despair though, and as a long time reader, I am worried about you.
I am there with you, wondering everyday why I continue to go on in a world that seems so empty and meaningless. The world tells us to do this and this and this...and there is nothing in it. Doctors with no feeling behind thier eyes, parents who want someone else to take care of thier kids. Students who show up because they won't get an inheritance if they don't, governments workers who care more about bribes than the job. I am tired..so tired. But....there's hope. Find a place alone, away from the corruptness of the world, sit in quiet, and listen. Wait for God to speak to you. And if He doesn't, spill your guts to Him. And then listen some more. Pull out your Bible and read about Ruth ONE MORE TIME. Wait for that peace. And don't stop seeking until you have it. Raise your hands in praise, dance, sing. There is nothing in this world worth living for, but there is a whole new life waiting for us after death.

At 8:45 AM, Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

You must let us know how your evening went.

At 11:35 PM, Blogger SquirrleyMojo said...

Phil says I should say:

thanks lillee.

And hugs linf.


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