
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Monday, August 22, 2005

Seeing Stars

So my nap was ok. Just ok.
Have you ever taken a nap
that left you more fuzzy and just plain nasty
than when you first laid down?

My nap wasn't like that.
But it's not like I feel like
running around the house naked & screaming "yahoo"

Even though I do kindof want to.

But this nap did tell me:
"Get off your lazy *ss!"
To which I properly replied:

And emailed the branch that I would NOT
be teaching an additional 2 classes
[totaling 6]
this Fall. Sigh. I think that would have meant, uh, DEATH.

What a weekend.
Let's just say I know what a CAT scan looks like
and how it operates now . . .
and how young people might feel when a parent
decides to "come out" at the last moment of a long weekend
before school starts . . .

Last night I laid out stretched on a polar bear blanket
and watched the stars into the night . . .
I couldn't find the Little Dipper. Or Orion.
Two of the only three constellations I know.
And to think I was in my own backyard.

Somehow, I felt saddened, yet relieved;
I couldn't even quite tell the satellites from the North Star . . .
which I think might actually be Venus?

What does such universal ambiguity mean?


At 6:29 PM, Blogger MC Etcher said...

Ahh, just point to a sparkling dot and pronounce an interesting name.

No one will know.

And it's damned sexy.

At 7:43 PM, Blogger Phil said...

I've had naps like that too where I feel worse than went I started. It stinks. Funny, my wife and I were looking at the stars last night too and saw a few satellites, they move pretty fast unlike stars. Squirrley, your writing always intrigues me ;-)

At 7:56 PM, Blogger Fred said...

You're talking to a nap. That scares me. :)

If I nap on the chair, it's not very good. If I take the time to go to the bedroom and get in bed, it's a wonderful, relaxing nap.

At 8:46 PM, Blogger PBS said...

Was there too much light in your backyard? Those are normally quite easy to find!

At 12:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Orion chasing Taurus,
Lepus at his feet.
Canus major, minor canus;
Here the two twins meet.

Uh... yeah. I took an astronomy class. Useful, eh?

At 1:05 AM, Blogger sumo said...

I try not to take naps...I definitely feel crappy after I do.

At 7:38 AM, Blogger Phil said...

I remeber this to keep the planets in order from the sun:

At 8:09 AM, Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

I hate naps that leave me felling what I like to term as "pissy mean".

And believe it or not, I learned the planets in order from the back of our milk cartons in elementary school. Talk about a long time ago!!! :)

At 8:56 AM, Blogger Tim P. said...

waking up to "universal ambiguity"... I like that. Or maybe you pondered such things while stretching suptuously (and lazily;) and considering the worth of activity in general. Great picture to be sure.


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