
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Monday, February 20, 2006


I imagine that we would certainly
be reading Lewis Carrol's _Alice in Wonderland_
at some point to those boys.
In fact, it would probably be my partner's idea.

Would I grow increasingly uneasy about our gender
role reversals? After all, we do live in American
culture . . . but I believe American
culture is invested in experimenting with gender
right now as it is. So we'd be safe.
Unless we lived in some rural, white bread area of the country . . .

I'm packing!!! [Heart Heart]
We still don't know where we are headed,
but the packing is marvelous!!
Pulling the tape across the top of the box,
marking the contents in crisp, clean
magic marker, and stacking it all in the basement
is so cathartic.

I came across my thesis. People have been asking
why I'm not publishing it--I don't trust it.
Something's not right, not documented properly . . .
I have one box marked "undergraduate work" and two
more for my master's. Organization is so lovely.

Three more weeks of classes to go. The grading is horendeous.
Five classes. WS200 presentations were a FLOP.
Although, 3-4 were informative. My new office mate, B (who is
an incredible individual, honestly) received an
ENG200 Intro to Lit! I errupted! Ok, so I've never
requested it--still!

Forget the fridge and magnets--I'd by picture frames
and hang their art in the halls. There would be no wall space
by the end.

Women's multiplicity of language is comparable to
their erotic zones according to Irigrary:
men's language is focused, linear, just like the focus
of their eroticism--which is generally
centered solely on the penis. Women's language,
ideas, conversations,
however, are more difficult to pin down, keep track of,
trace, just as their entire bodies can be random
points of pleasure in any given context.

Sigh. I no longer feel like a pirate.
Like wolfman jack on the blogging airwaves--
instead, I feel too close to you cyber people--
you fictions in my mind. Damn. I really like you
and miss my old friends. Like my RL friends,
I sit around hoping all of you are doing well, but
not getting off my bum to really check.
Prayer is/was always such a fantastic way to meditate
on the concerns of others. xoxoxo


At 1:07 PM, Blogger MC Etcher said...

Wow, great post! This might be the quintessential SQ post, as it has a little element of everything.

Neat! I spelled 'quintessential' correctly.

At 7:27 PM, Blogger Tim P. said...

rural, white bread area of the country . . .

I did a double-stop at that sentence, it was like an internal contra-paradigm; rural=wholesome, white bread=appendix death wish.

Fictions in a mind, sounds nice.


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