
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Monday, February 13, 2006

Let Me Know How This Will Turn Out

Email #1 from This-Acquaintance-I-Have:

[Avacado] and [SQ],
So [SQ] mentioned blogs in her 20 questions thing back in January. And I
thought since you two know each others blogs.......And since I've been
trying for quite a few months now to get [SQ] to tell me what her blog
identity is, I thought perhaps if I told you all where my blog is then
anyone feeling so moved could share where their blog is. (But only if they
feel so moved!)


Email #2 Four Days Later:

So I noticed that you've responded to many [writing group] things... but not to the
blog question... does that mean I still don't get to know? I tried
searching for blogs which mention of [something extremely personal], and English, and [the University where you teach], and
letterboxing ..... nothing. But then I figured maybe you do code names for
people like I do. So, I figured I'd ask again, but if it really is
something that you don't want to share, that's cool, but when we've talked
about it I haven't been able to to tell if it's a "fun, see if she can
figure it out" sort of secrecy or if it's a "I write about tutoring
kittens on my blog and don't want anyone else to know" sort of secrecy.
So, just figured I'd ask again about the secret blogging life of [SQ]. :)
Hope the quarter starts to slow soon,

Finally, my Email Back:

Hi [Acquaintance],
Terribly sorry for the mix-up! I misunderstood your request--I read it in
light jest, if you will, and thought we would respond with the address if we
wanted to share. I never meant to ignore a direct question seeking an
answer. :-)
I have decided to just keep it to myself. Last summer, I invited [Avacado] and a
couple of other close friends. [Avacado] was utterly cool (of course), but
another friend would get her feelings hurt if she had emailed me and I would
not respond quickly. She could tell that I had obviously been on my PC
because I made a blog entry that morning, but hadn't gotten back with her.
She's a wonderful person, but I don't think she understood my ritual--or
that I never meant to hurt her feelings. Is this making any sense at all? So
I "hid" my blog with a new address and haven't given it out to anyone. I
actually haven't even shared this info with [Avacado], even though she is the
most understand "whatever" friend you can find! So that's my blog story.
Sadly enough, I think I've only made 5 entries this quarter. I'm keeping up
on my work smashingly, but my blog and social lives have went to shit, so to
speak. :-)

[Secret Writing Group] Forever,

Do you see the ironies here my friend?


At 1:06 PM, Blogger MC Etcher said...

Yeah. Makes for a good post though!

At 9:01 PM, Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

I only see that you are sneaky, tee,hee..

At 10:12 PM, Blogger PBS said...

I have found that it's not good for "real" people in my life to read my blog! Keeping the two separate has worked out much better. It is funny, though, when I think about it because it SHOULD work out just fine! I'm honest both in person and on my blog but somehow bad things happen when the two areas coincide.

At 10:40 PM, Blogger Lillee said...

De ja vu... I had this exact same conversation with my mother when she found out I had a blog. I redirected her to Live Journal and a fake name and she gave up after a while. Ha. Then..I gave my addy to several people who knew me and also had to change my page.
Don't give in!! Don't do it!! Stop the madness!!

Just Kidding.

At 8:46 AM, Blogger Tim P. said...

I wish smashingly didn't entail wenting to shit. :)

At 8:51 AM, Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Nope..."real life people I know" and blogs do not mix well.

At 5:54 PM, Blogger sumo said...

Happy V-Day Squirrles!

At 9:41 PM, Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

Happy Valentines Day..


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