
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Wrapping Up

A long-time friend of the family
works at a local halfway house for people
being released from prison;
he called last night, while I was in class,
and told my partner
that one of my branch students,
who was/is a successful resident of the program,
called the halfway house to brag
about how helpful/wonderful my ENG151 course has been . . .
our friend was delighted and wanted to share the pleasant news.

This student is a man who just told me yesterday
that he hasn't been in school since his
freshman year of HS (which must have been
around the late 70s, early 80s) . . .
he's in his early forties, I believe,
and struggles with the use of computers. His mind
is sharp--very sharp. If not neglected by our systems . . .

Please understand that I have a special fondness
for the enthusiasm
and engagement of this student.
When he missed a week of school early on b/c
he was, in his precise word, "detained"--I suspected
he came from this halfway house,
but I wanted to respect his privacy and never asked
either him or my friend who works there.

Last night, after my partner told me the "pleasant news,"
I couldn't help but wonder what this man had done . . .
I knew this particular house did not accept sex offenders.
I didn't want to ask, but as I closed my eyes for the night,
these words slipped out:

"Aw. He didn't kill anyone did he?"

My partner, understanding me more than anyone else, replied:
"You didn't mean to really ask that. Let's just say,
he's served his time."

30 years at 15; I guess so.


At 9:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lot of things in life are best not understood..

At 9:18 AM, Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...


That's a tad scary....

At 10:08 AM, Blogger MC Etcher said...

Aww! Congrat to you on the props! Crongrats to him to going back to school.


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