But I Don't Have a Google Account!
fwt. stink'in monday.
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here
He emails later that day:
>I just kept thinking about the discussion about women and being sexy debate
> we had this morning, when I said its not a bad thing to be sexy, I didn't
> necessarily mean sexy as in a sexual way, for me I don't know about other
> people but when I think about sexy I think not only good looks, but being a
> confident woman can make her sexy to me, or a women who can carry herself
> no matter what she looks like that is sexy to me, a women who is smart is
> sexy to me. So not just looks can justify sexy but that is just my opinion.
> A women whom is not the best looking but can speak her mind and have
> confidence can be sexy.
> I just didn't want you to think that sexy (to me at least was all about
> looks), if you have time I would like to know what you think.
Like a stale old country song
Science Friday was sooo interesting
The second lesson is sitting
Luckily, Blogger will set here
Hog Maul?