
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Those Crazy Academics

An unauthorized excerpt
from my dearest listserv:

Dear Everybody,

Guess who is on my couch?! Avacado!

[Avacado wants to know why WillLover is sending her an
email when she could be talking to her, but some
things are not meant to be understood. Now back to
your regularly scheduled programming.]

Academics have a communication disorder. They're shy.
They communicate by e-mail more effectively than face
to face ;)

[Uh... does everyone realize that we're passing the
laptop back and forth between us? Because we are. Just
thought I'd mention that. MsTheorist, PoetTigerWoman, SQ, you
didn't think this email was about you, did you? It's
totally about us.]

Totally. _We_ stayed at our cabin last night. It was
gorgeous. And _we_ went to Crazy Horse this morning.
It was gorgeous. And _we_ ate at the Alpine Inn and
had yummy cheesy turkey. It was gorgeous. Oh, and
Avacado taught me to play a new kind of Scrabble. It was

[That's because we're gorgeous. Everything else is
just trying to keep up. We got fed really good fondu
last night, too. And tomorrow we're going hiking in
the Badlands, because we can. This is your twelve-hour
warning notice. It's not too late to jump in your cars
and get out here. We'll meet you at the trail head.]

It's going to be a gorgeous hike. Okay, enough. It
really is nice to have Avacado here :). I think we
should all plan a trip here sometime, stay at the
cabin, eat cheese fondu, go hiking in the hills and in
the Badlands. A year from now? We can all plan it and
make a pact: meeting in the Black Hills.

[I owe PoetTigerWoman a beach trip, too. I haven't forgotten.]

Let's all go to the beach!

Avacado's been so brave: we have ten people sleeping in
this house plus three children, two of them babies.
It's a full house. And the shoes in the entry are
multiplying like rabbits--rabbits, I tell you!

[Three children is nothing. I just came from the
Wisconsin relatives' place. Speaking of rabbits...
Anyway. Do you think WillLover will let me check my email
and see if the Guy wrote me?]

Oooh! The Guy. THE GUY. I did hear a bit about the
guy. How much will you all pay me for the info? ;)

[In my defense, I was probably tipsy when she heard
about the Guy. SQ, no, she does NOT know his name.
I promised you'd get it first. If we don't hate each
other on sight. Which is possible. But enough about my
imaginary love life.]

SQ gets the name first....humph....

So, PoetTigerWoman, you're back in A-town? I didn't even know!
Tell me (and us) about this summer? How did the
teaching go? What are you doing this fall (are your
exams this fall?). MsTheorist, Avacado said you looked good
and were doing well--though the book is/was a bitch.
And SQ! Are you still traveling South America? Did
you finish your tour through Africa? Are you prepping
for your four courses this fall?

[SQ, I told her you looked good, too. PoetTigerWoman,
thanks for letting me know that I didn't wreck your
apartment. If anything, I'm getting even spacier than
I was when I left there ... I think vacation is bad for
me. MsTheorist, it was fantastic seeing you!]

SQ does have sexy legs. As do PoetTigerWoman and MsTheorist.

I think I will let Avacado check her e-mail. I may go
play the new Scrabble by myself. :) It is sooooo fun!
It's so nice to see Avacado. I can't wait to see you
guys again soon. Love you.

[Hope your summers are going well still! I'll catch up
with everyone when I get back to AK. I'm estimating
August 15 at the moment, but who knows. It may be
December at the rate I'm going.]


At 12:31 PM, Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

It sounds gorgeous. Just gorgeous..

At 5:01 PM, Blogger Łóòň Ġãĺ said...

Too much of cheesy stuff eh!!


At 8:37 PM, Blogger PBS said...

Like overhearing a conversation...

At 1:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love it, SQ! The nicknames are perfect! Back out of the Black Hills tomorrow and starting my academic life again.... sigh....


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