
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

This is the Day

Bad Yahoo!. Bad.
The headline was a bit misleading:
"U.S. Bans Sale of iPods to North Korea"

How frivolous! I assumed.
Yet, upon a closer read,
I understood the government as targeting
specific luxuary items.
Luxuary items the aristocracy may have access to,
but the average worker does not.
Not that Kim can't smuggle the good in.
He'll just have to pay a higher price.

Wow. I have the whole day to myself.

What shall I do?


At 7:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you should buy some iPods and set up a business in North Korea..

At 6:00 AM, Blogger kazumi said...

What did you do??


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