
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Friday, February 18, 2005

State Bias, According to Orientation

DMB brings up a good point--what kindof state biases do we share?
What expectations might we have
of people coming from, say, Alabama, Colorado, Indianna, Rhode Island,
Wyoming, Kansas, Kentucky, New Jersey, Maryland, Oregon, Deleware, Dakota (North or South) . . .

How often does it snow in the mountains?

Why do I feel as if I know a little bit about a person
when I know their geographical origins?
because of cultural origins as well?

if so, which state is at the top of the hierarchy? and why?
oh, oh, and which state is at the bottom?

if I told you my POV (point-of-view)
then you would know for sure--


At 8:32 AM, Blogger swamp4me said...

Careful with making assumptions about people based on the state in which they live. I don't exactly fit the "profile" for a North Carolinian and I have lived here my entire life...

At 8:35 AM, Blogger swamp4me said...

Oh, and by my previous comment I was not trying to imply that you make assumptions about people. When I re-read it it sounded like I was being critical :)


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