
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Friday, March 18, 2005

Although I designed my final essay
to be a personal, reflexive narrative
on defining feminism and its public/private applications,
(yes)so that I would not have to wade through
each and every set of writing
(but writing is still wonderful for the student's articulation of self)--
instead, simply giving full credit for reach the 4 page requirement,

I couldn't help myself from peeking at some of the answers.

The comment that sticks out most in my mind
was wrtten by a rather combative male student,
let's call him S. S concludes that the single most important thing
he has learned
through this course is that feminism isn't about anger or hate,
but rather, it it about love. Specifically, loving those who
are different from the self.

Now, I could have sworn we talked about rage a bit! But I
find it fascinating that we learn what we want to learn--
and I do remember having a couple 'teaching' moments
where great love was indeed expressed. So this is what he chooses to
remember . . . and it ain't all that bad.


At 11:32 AM, Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

You never know what people will learn when you're teaching.
The guy seems to have learned an important life lesson.
Be proud. You did good.

At 1:05 PM, Blogger Amanda B. said...

Yeah, that's not so bad. Sounds like you got through to this kid. That's an accomplishment in itself.

P.S. You are a teacher. I can't spell. No red marks on my comments please. ;)

At 7:07 PM, Blogger portuguesa nova said...

I was a woman's studies major, and I think I know exactly his type...I would agree with the others and say he seems to have learned, at least, the most important thing he needed, possibly having taken the class in the first place just to have more fodder to talk smack about feminism.


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