
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Someone Must Have Access to My Password

So--I just checked my blogs for today
and discovered that someone must have access to my password.

Why? How did I figure this out?

Because letters are missing.

For example, in one post today I wrote "waTching";
the post published something like "waching."

Just how much are letters going for on Ebay?
Or the blackmarket?

Who is using my letters and for what purpose????

I think I am being followed . . .


At 4:09 PM, Blogger MC Etcher said...

Hmn. Isn't it more likely that you mis-typed a word, or that there was an error during the post?

Don't take chances though. If you're concerned, quickly change your password!

At 8:50 PM, Blogger SquirrleyMojo said...

your powers of reasoning are quite intriguing--

i meant to blog about those extra letters as well, but you see, in our culture extra anything is quite acceptable--except poundage--surplus is in high demand!

it is the missing--those gaps--empty spaces which are most perplexing.

who is jarbling my work??
i didn't think anyone could possibly know my password.

i googled it and nothing came up--

At 1:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jarbling! And this from the woman who says she never commits a typo.

What kinda jive is that?

At 1:26 PM, Blogger MC Etcher said...

'All your blogs?'

There are more??

And I am on them?

Is it a different Mike? Or did I stumble across a blog, and because of its wry, pointed wit felt the need to comment?

It would be a very nice feature if Blogger helped a person track all the blogs they had commented on, with the appropriate links, and also the content of the comment.

Such a feature would also help people prove they were being harrassed with angry comments, (such as, if a blog was about a person's Love for sheep. I mean Biblical Love. There would be angry comments.) so it would be a very useful feature.


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