
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Thursday, June 02, 2005

All I Can Say (For Now)

Why do I find myself
pondering the relationship between
Marla Singer and the Narrator
from Fincher's _Fight Club_:

"Expose me, and I will expose you"?


I've never even smoked.
Nor do I plan to.


The Fall schedule is out, quite appropriately
on the last day of classes this year:

Shhh--I got 4, count them, 4 classes.
Scheduled perfectly.
The plans, the plans!
I will be the best teacher yet!


But for the moment,
I'm emotionally exhausted--you too? Why?


At 7:20 PM, Blogger MC Etcher said...

Tired and catching my wife's cold. It feels like Friday to me. And I've been trying to write, and it's all coming out crappy, flat and wrung out.

4 perfectly scheduled classes, neat!

What books have you decided on, for your summer reading?

At 9:16 PM, Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

Rest up. It will be a long winter even with four perfectly scheduled classes..

At 10:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hell, celebrate. Four classes!? Scheduled perfectly? Does that happen?! Perhaps a two-headed cardinal helped out?

Notice my explanation points.

Though I seem happy to those around me, I too am emotionally exhausted: why does lesgirl seem to be ignoring me? The person who understands her plight better than anyone? Maybe because now I am strong (seemingly? really?), and she's afraid that she too will one day become strong? And forget the person who hurt her? And move on to someone else?


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