
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Two Lumps at a Metropolis

How much weight can a person gain
with two extra teaspoons of raw sugar
added to each cup of coffee?

Just wondering.

I ran out of suger substitute earlier this week &
like most nutritional choices in my life,
I could either consume empty calories or do without,
eat/drink what's available or go to the grocery.

I hate grocery shopping with a passion of a thousand suns.

Because I don't go to the grocery very often,
I'm always floored by the cost of a gallon of milk.
"Outrageous!" you might hear someone exclaim.
I further dislike the grocier in these parts because
the insides of the buildings are always so cold. Fridged.
Especially in the summer months.
In the summer, I like to wear as little as possible, so
when I am caught suddenly in a grocery store unaware,
I freeze goose flesh and feel ill to my stomach.

The only fun I could ever imagine at a grocery
would be if I had little children.
Then I could teach them the names of all the whacky
new, genetically modified fruits and vegtables
in the garden section, which, by the way,
is the only tolerable section.
In fact, I can imagine picking up a new veggie
and taking it home to cook . . .
But it would probably sit in the fridge until it rotted,
dripping dark liquid, on the fridge shelf,
and across the floor to the trash,
when I finally took it out.

The most heinous section of the grocery, of course,
is the meat section with all of its dripping juices,
amid the threat of eboli (or whatever).
That's also where they keep the lobsters.
Of course lobsters are yummy, but I can't bare to look at them
and acknowledge that they are boiled alive.

Why can't creatures in captivity self destruct?


At 12:41 PM, Blogger Tee said...

except for the lobsters, i luv the grocery store... i luv the dripping meat (except chicken-juice :\ what is that ?), and the frozen section (when my nips get hard). the produce aisle used to be alot of fu (becuz there is always the threat of getting squirted by the "thundershowers" that keep the vegetos moist and inviting), but now i just rush thru, grabbin and baggin... not sure what changed my joy in produce. i met my first wife in the grocery store (not in the produce aisle tho) - that might explain some things...

At 12:44 PM, Blogger Tee said...

oh, and altho i luv to take my kidlets everywhere and anywhere, the grocery store is a solitary endeavor... something about the "comeherecomeherecomehere" cramps my usual inner grooviness in the store...

At 2:31 PM, Blogger MC Etcher said...

milk is $4 a gallon in Los Angeles...

At 3:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exploding lobsters would be hilarious!

Fire in the hole!

At 9:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hating with the fire of a thousand suns is MY cliche.

But I'll share with you. Only because we're Secret Twins, though.

At 10:49 PM, Blogger Rainypete said...

The self destruct would make my aquarium a little more interesting. Although with the death rate I can't eb entirely sure that's not what they're doign anyway.

At 2:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know, secret twin, if I've heard that ever come out of your mouth (or onto your page ;)).

I _always_ freeze at the grocery store. I had to make an emergency run to the store (and made my significant other go because he was playing video games and why should I do all the work? Though he didn't complain or anything and was willing to go. And then I felt the ridiculousness of us both going) because I invited friends over for dinner but didn't have enough chicken. I hate preparing chicken. And it seemed so expensive to me. Dinner was great, but I had to freeze in the store, my significant other and I almost had a weird couple moment with who would push the cart, I had to get another baking pan.... Point? Did I have a point? Grocery shopping. Freezing. Like to do it alone or with my significant other. Though not if we have a weird moment over shopping carts again.

At 6:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would swear at some point, on my blog, I hated my thesis with the fire of a thousand suns.

And if I didn't SAY that, you can be sure I thought it. Daily. With much narrowing of the eyes and projecting of burning, molten, sun-stuff.

Spontaneous combustion occurred to me as a perfect solution multiple times.

Have I really never used that cliche around y'all? Doesn't matter. Secret Twin and I have been known, on scarily frequent occassions, to read each others' minds. SHE knows it's my cliche. Which is why it's ok it's her cliche too.

At 7:53 PM, Blogger SquirrleyMojo said...

geez. isn't the quirky point of a cliche is in its inability to be traced to its 'origins'?

and hey, i've read some fantasy, cheesy SF, and 'Classical' lit too; i could have stumbled upon the cliche BOTH in it's original context AND in my bestest best twin's blog . . . anything is possible.

the phrase does, however, sound most thesis worthy, indeed.


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