Where's the Booze?
It's 8:01 AM and I need a drink--
but I'm not a drunk--
I'm still physically ill over last night.
Didn't get in until 1:00am.
I computed the grades.
What happened to my students this quarter?
This is horrible, just horrible.
It may take me years to figure this out & get over it.
Five people in 152 failed their final.
Five. This is outrageous!
I couldn't help it--
when I graded the papers,
I laid each failing paper aside
and tried to scrape extra points for these people.
But, they simply did not do the work.
For example, the final paper was a critical reseach paper
(I graded on intext citation, work cited page, and format),
and one student refused to add a SINGLE source.
Not one. Just four pages of blathering.
And the font on these papers?!
One young person is extremely wealthy
and well connected (yet, I've expected plagerism
all quarter so I don't feel too badly)--
I've been down that road with parents before:
"I'll have your job!"
I am so sick. I suspect these students were tired
and thought they could slide past in the last moments of the game.
Did they really believe they wouldn't fail?
This is horribly not fair! My class: Follow a few simple directions,
get nothing lower than a B, and go on!
I will keep you posted on the altercations;
I suspect a couple may want to take me "to the dean."
It's not that I can't handle confrontation--
it's just feels as if this quarter will never end!
It will be Spring Quarter 2005 forever and ever and ever
Do you get a lot of the changing my grade negociations, like the old movie "Clueless"? (of course that was in high school)
You're giving me flashbacks!! Grading...I may break out in hives...must run into the swamp to escape!
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