
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Day After

I have a love/hate relationship with entertaining.
Especially at my house.

I love to receive compliments on my food,
my "housekeeping" [Marilynne Robinson],
if you will, and I love having dinnerware set
exactly right. Entertainment, set. Precisely. Ect.

What I hate are the people.
The "guest" who come and screw everything up.
Dirty the dinnerware, rumple the rugs and throw pillows,
leave glasses strung about.

Perhaps that's why I love my blogging relationships--
less mess.

OK, ok, so I don't really hate people; I'm just trying to be
sarcastically funny--I love my friends (eyes rolling) & fam (most
of them)--yadda yadda. Blah blah. Why does clarification pain me so?

BTW--you know you are getting to "close" to your fictionalized
audience when you begin to justify & qualify your own
statements, on your own blog, when you don't even feel like it!

Is it bed time yet?


At 11:38 AM, Blogger swamp4me said...

Hey! Who you calling fictionalized? :P

Heh, I do know what you mean about entertaining though.

At 12:30 PM, Blogger MC Etcher said...

Congrats on your fortitude and survival. Entertaining at home is for the birds.

Everybody meets at a restaurant, talks, laughs, makes a mess, and then everyone goes home.

Or better yet, somewhere like Dave & Busters, where there are games and good food.

At 4:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The blog community is great. The relationships are too. But, I still find myself explaining, justifying, and clarifying myself. That is one of main flaws, I guess. Don't want to offend at any cost. That's me in a nutshell. [Now, remembering Austin Powers--this is me in a nutshell--while he mimes being in a nutshell. funny] Thanks for stopping by--talk to you later.


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