
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Open Link--I Miss My Readers

A woman in my ENG153, who happens to already
have a Master's, tells me an old proverb
from her native country in West Africa:

A stick in a friend is like a stick in a tree;
you never feel the pain until it is in your own body.


Well the stick of teaching 4 classes
is working it's way into my body--
in a big way. I can't remember what I've told to whom.

Testing might have to be thrown out the window.

Finally sitting down to read some news & emails
didn't really distract me from the stick's pain either--
when I read that Britney Spears just had her baby boy--

by dreamy c-section, nonetheless, b/c she was scared of the pain.
And the guy she's with? No pretense there.
What segment of american population do they represent?

Grr--I never wanted to blog about Britney--what has happened?
This is me unplugged? Sick sick and delusional.
But it's all too much--Britney, the hurricane, John Roberts.
Do I need to ask what the 3 have in common?

Also, if I had time, geez, I really don't,
I'd tell you about the strangest conversation I just
had today with 2 extremely attractive male students
about sex. Talk about awkward.
Ok, that's a must. Will return.

Otherwise, I leave myself (and you) with this thought
(especially since I've lost lots of readers--sniff):

If I had a son, he would someday
bring me an artificial flower.
If I had a daughter, she would tell him
that I only liked real, living plants.

After much thought, he'd probably look at the plant
and say, "This flower is really beautiful
and it will never die.
But it will never grow either, right mom?"


At 10:10 PM, Blogger Vicarious Living said...

I will be checking back to hear of this intriguing conversation!

I thought you were lost to us forever, but you were playing hide and seek weren't you?

At 10:42 PM, Blogger Lillee said...

Nice. You are up one day and already have spam.
Interesting post.

At 9:37 AM, Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Loved the last few lines in your post!

Gotta admit, it's true....

At 9:38 AM, Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Oh, and just for the record, I can't wait for the sex talk with two extremely attractive male students either...;)


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