
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Monday, December 05, 2005

I May be on the Wrong Path

Do you think kids
still try to avoid
riding the bus these days?

Do you think they
forget to set their alarms,
poke around in the bathroom,
avoid eating breakfast or wearing
a jacket?

I wonder.


I pretty much flipped last night:
while writing in my journal
I began with the lone, desperate howl:

"How did I get _here_?"

I wrote for a few pages,
depressed myself further and stopped.
Bored, I flipped through the back logs--only to find this entry:

Monday, December 9th, 2002
"[. . .]How many times will I ask,
how did I get here?"

I freaked.

I flipped through all of my
first-week-of-December entries:
they all held pretty much the same thoughts.
Then I usually skip out until January.

Does this mean I can interpret the future???

No; seriously, listen:

If I run in such horribly obvious cycles,
perhaps I can crack the code?

Perhaps I can study this journal,
as me, myself, right now,
figure out her next move
and head her off at the past?

Before she self-destructs--
or does something even more stupid
(like absolutely nothing at all)
sound like a plan?

Maybe I can even change my life.


At 12:04 PM, Blogger Dragonfly said...

Sometimes it amazes me how much one can learn about their hmm, true feelings, just by for example reading what´s been written earlier... it gives a new perspective and time to actually understand the words.

At 1:51 PM, Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

Try writing I won the lottery today in todays post. Maybe you will be predicting the future..

At 2:11 PM, Blogger MC Etcher said...

It happens to all of us.

I mean, something you're likely to say is something you're likely to say.

It happens to all of us.

I mean, something you're likely...

At 2:45 PM, Blogger Tim P. said...

Control, SM, control. You are the only one in control, never forget it.

I patently disagree with this statement; the existential dilemma is that we really have very little control. We do have some measure of control, but so many more things are wholly out of our sphere of power.

And yet perhaps at a root level you do have control--you have the power to recognize that you may need assistance from Someone. This is a difficult issue.

At 3:17 PM, Blogger Thelonius said...

What Tim said.

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Wow...what a revelation, huh?

Heck, it's worth a shot, right?


At 11:07 AM, Blogger SquirrleyMojo said...

hey hey--Ms. Indi--no one calls SM, or anyone else for that matter, a Pavlovian Dog.

sounds/looks like someone is getting a bit too reckless in her anonymity . . .

At 1:26 PM, Blogger Tim P. said...

Here's to Irony.

Killer squirrel pack guts dog Monday December 5, 12:25 PM
By Lester Haines

A pack of Russian black squirrels is reported to have piled into a dog mob-handed, bitten it to death and then eviscerated the unfortunate animal after it ill-advisedly barked at them, the BBC reports.

That, at least, is according to journo Anastasia Trubitsina who told Komsomolskaya Pravda: "They literally gutted the dog," before adding that the canicidal tree rats scattered when they caught sight of some people. Chillingly, according to the three witnesses to the outrage, some were "carrying bits of flesh".

Locals in the town of Lazo attribute the savagery to a lack of pine cones. One said: "The little beasts are agitated because they have nothing to eat."

Scientists are unconvinced. Mikhail Tiyunov dismissed the claim as "absurd", with: "If it really happened, things must be pretty bad in our forests."

At 10:57 PM, Blogger SquirrleyMojo said...

Ms. Indi--LoL, it's not the "dog" part that bothers me; it's the "Pavlovian" referrence that insinuates I am conditioned to respond to society's "bell" that irked me. And I am far from that (which is a whole other post). But thanks for getting back with me--I think I understand now.

At 10:58 PM, Blogger SquirrleyMojo said...

and Tim--what a marvelous story to add to the discussion!

quite appropriate!


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