
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Saturday, March 31, 2007

WS100--Day Two

My Question: Do we have any Queen Bees in here?

Speaker #1--Mid Section: I don't know if this is being a queen bee, but I have a friend who is trying to get into med school and he made the comment that if he were a black woman, he'd be taken like that [snaps fingers]. That really made me mad because I'm a woman--I would never use that to my advantage [she means that she wants to be taken seriously via her own, personal merits].

Speaker #2--From Back: I totally agree with what she's saying. I mean, I made it--why whine about [your race/gender]?

Speaker #3--In Front: What's a few extra points on your ap? Yes, I'll use it [identify as a black male]--I'm trying to get into law school--I will do whatever it takes to be competitive. To make it happen.

Speaker #2: But that's not fair--

Class Stirs.

Speaker #1: No, because those same people who pull that card will do the same [?] if they don't get the job--

Speaker #3: [Laughs] Yeah--I probably would. [Class is rumbling] Listen, by 2011 blacks won't be the minority anyway--it'll be the Mexicans.

Speaker #2: Yeah, I know. I am Mexican--half Mexican and half [?]--and I still wouldn't use that to my advantage . . .


At 9:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't geddit. What's a Queen Bee? What point is this supposed to illustrate?

At 10:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this one of those situations where somebody's being a racist/sexist pig, and those in the know roll their eyes in sanctimonious exasperation, so that the offender is made to feel like shit but is none the wiser about exactly how he's transgressed the mysterious rules of political correctness and lookers on are afraid to ask in case they too are exposed as racist/sexist pigs? Nice job.

At 9:45 AM, Blogger MC Etcher said...

a few axioms occur to me:

exploit your every advantage
shake your moneymaker
fake it till you make it
I'm too legit to quit

At 2:04 PM, Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...


I just want to hit the lottery and move to a deserted island...is that too mcuh to ask? ;)

At 10:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Serendipity my ass.

At 1:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous comments are now allowed, get yer comment on


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