
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Ha! Something Funny

So, I "taguht" on Global Feminism today--specifically Cynthia Enloe's "The Globe Trotting Sneaker," which deals with the way women are exploited in what some in the US referr to as "Third World" contries.

Afterward, I passed back all of their gazillion exams--exams I carried to school in a DSW (Direct Shoe Warehouse) bag that I picked up from the mall this weekend.
Not a d*mn student noticed or said a word!


So I never mistype or misspell--I'm an English Instructor at a mid-level U. Please. Me?? [The irony and tone of that statement only exists, I suppose, to those who know me or have been reading this blog.] No, the only explanation is that someone--or thing--is stealing my letters. But to what purpose? A ransom note? I'm note sure.

Further, someone has been following me today.

I picked up a soup called "Navjo Chili" just now at the Oasis. I thought that any soup with the word "chili" in it would have some type of bean? Not. Lots and lots of chicken & something green. Wait! A white bean--navy, perhaps. Oh well, it's warm.

So I could collasp in a soggy mess of tears d*mnit. Only I never never cry. Never. I recently found out that 3 classes in one quarter is termed an "overload." The first WS100 kicked my ass. I yelled [do I ever really yell?] today in class at the 2 football players asleep in the back. It can sometimes be challenging to teach students who write "we pay your salary" in their essays on exams . . . I had to explain: student pays U for a degree of stands, U pays instructor to uphold standards. Sh*tting on a piece of paper and turning it in simply cannot count . . .

Yikes!!! I'm ranting under a post marked "Something Funny"!
How unfair!
My apologies.

Someone's watching me--


At 8:47 PM, Blogger SquirrleyMojo said...

Exactly. Exactly what I mean! Ranting madly can be most amusing.


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