
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Last Post Today D*mnit!

Is it wrong that I thought about blogging while teaching?

The embodiment of the patriarch visited me this afternoon.
Swishing his coffee in a clay mug, he caught me blogging away;
Stopped to chat about his progress on his PhD.
I trust that he didn't see what the title of my blog is--
or even realize what it is. . .

I teach that writing helps articulate the self.

Because I have so many pieces of the self that deperately need to fit together in order to function, I write. Alot.

I think I pinpointed why I felt so frazzled after coming to school today--I got a lead on a $56K a year position--it scared me so bad that I quickly suppressed it. Then when the activities of the day felt yucky-icky, I couldn't figure out why I felt so distracted.

Success scares me. In fact, I have a "self destruct" button I often push in emergencies . . . am I the only dysfunctional out there?

b.t.w. I was right. Someone IS following me. And watching me. Knew it. I hope it's just a crush--


At 8:17 PM, Blogger MC Etcher said...

Yes, I'm freaked out now too, are you happy?

Do you have some more evidence, or are you just crazy? :o)

At 8:46 PM, Blogger SquirrleyMojo said...

how much evidence does one need??!

At 9:20 PM, Blogger The King of Kerwood said...

Hey Brian Eno was thinking about laundry while performing with Roxy Music. Thinking about blogging while fornicating... that's a different story.

At 12:43 AM, Blogger Isabo said...

It's probably better than what those jocks in your class are thinking.

Wear a mask of your face on the back of your head and your follower can't get you. he won't follow you because you're looking at him (sort of like tigers won't attack a person from behind?).

or set up an ambush.


ps. I wish there were more profs like you (you sound really cool anyway). I was lucky enough to have a few :)

At 8:57 AM, Blogger swamp4me said...

Rest assured, you are not the only dysfunctional out there...I share that fear of success gene. Drives my husband crazy :)


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