
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Those Who Know Me Know

Thirteen years later I woke up,
stumbled through the door,
down the hall.
I muttered a few admonishments and flicked on the light.

To be sure they were there.

Silence. Some stars glowed.

The light hurt my head,
so I quickly turned it off
and saw the cold lights overhead from my memory.
And I heard the panting, the begging for mercy
as if it never really came from me.


I am in such a bubble.
How to get out?--
without being too uncomfortable, that is?


So, Joyce's _Portrait_ resistantly consumes my thoughts,
yet I am only on the 5th page. All summer I have implicitly heard:
the patriarchy bows down for me [grin], so upon occasion,
I should bow down to it.

What a stupid trailer to play through my mind.


I have to go now--have got to make this day count.


At 10:32 AM, Blogger Lillee said...

Recently, I have had to step outside my bubble and do things I wouldn't do in order to feel alive. Little things like dance, or swim an extra five laps, or walk around at night in wet grass hunting crawdads with my nephews. Or praying praising prayers instead of moaning prayers. The results have been tremendous.


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