
Bet You Thought I'd Never Write Here

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Just a Speed Bump, Right?

Have you noticed how fashions and fads
ripple inward from the coast to the center
of the country?

I've finally gauged our community:
we're about 5 years behind & 10 years in front.

So the "wearable" fashion that hit NY this weekend
should sink into our nearest Target in about 5 years . . .
a bit watered down.

Meanwhile, I'll settle for just showing my cleavage
any way I can--
learn the patriarchy, then manipulate it to your advantage, right?

I figure I only have a few more years until
the whole body image goes to sh*t anyway--
by then it will be time for the scalpel.

A female student, who has a tatoo of a pork chop
just under her navel with the caption "It's all just meat,"
told me not to get a gecko tatoo--it's a prison tatoo.

She has a book. And lots of stories.

Meanwhile, my WS students can't figure out why
these "tribal" cultures engage in such weird body piercings
and markings . . .


At 10:19 PM, Blogger Lillee said...

A pork chop?? That's hilarious.

At 7:39 AM, Blogger swamp4me said...

You have cleavage?!? That's not fair.
Does your student's book say anything about bat tattoos? I plan on getting one when I turn 50...don't know what tribe that will mark me as...


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