WS100--Day Two
My Question: Do we have any Queen Bees in here?
Speaker #1--Mid Section: I don't know if this is being a queen bee, but I have a friend who is trying to get into med school and he made the comment that if he were a black woman, he'd be taken like that [snaps fingers]. That really made me mad because I'm a woman--I would never use that to my advantage [she means that she wants to be taken seriously via her own, personal merits].
Speaker #2--From Back: I totally agree with what she's saying. I mean, I made it--why whine about [your race/gender]?
Speaker #3--In Front: What's a few extra points on your ap? Yes, I'll use it [identify as a black male]--I'm trying to get into law school--I will do whatever it takes to be competitive. To make it happen.
Speaker #2: But that's not fair--
Class Stirs.
Speaker #1: No, because those same people who pull that card will do the same [?] if they don't get the job--
Speaker #3: [Laughs] Yeah--I probably would. [Class is rumbling] Listen, by 2011 blacks won't be the minority anyway--it'll be the Mexicans.
Speaker #2: Yeah, I know. I am Mexican--half Mexican and half [?]--and I still wouldn't use that to my advantage . . .