My partner and I
have been having secret rendevous
on Fridays.
Well, one before Good Friday
and one planned for today.
We made it on a huge cushion
in the middle of the living room floor.
Yep, we are at the stage where we schedule sex.
I'm that tired.
My students this quarter are a hoot.
Even if I don't know their names.
I feel badly, but it's exhausting
learning 120 new names every 10 weeks.
This one guy in my WS100 is so darn enthusiastic
that I think he must be a male cheerleader.
Yesterday, on my way to lunch,
I saw him as a tour guide for the university.
I have another student at the branch,
a 42 year-old gentleman,
who has been deeply engaged in our political
discussions on race.
However, I can't get him to turn in his work.
I don't want to fail him; I believe
he is highly intellectual, but just has never
been given a chance.
He missed one week of class
because, quote: "I was 'detained.'"
I suspect he is from a local halfway house.
His picture made front page news in our local paper;
caption, "Forty-two year old MX utilizes new
technology at University Branch to complete his paper
assignment for his English composition class"
I never received that paper.
Did I mention I will be teaching this summer?
First session: Feminist Theory 350.
Second Session: Capstone 480.
I had dinner last night with our support person
and she mentioned that the branches are looking to hire
a full time WS instructor and that they are willing to
accept MAs.
No one has mentioned this to me directly.
Wonder why not?
Of course, it would be cheaper to use me as an adjunct . . .
My third book is almost finished
and should hit Amazon next fall, not 2006
but 2007. Have you figured out who I am yet?
What a joke.
But, my colleagues continue to publish.
Groan. [Gurgle Gurgle] I feel like such a looser.
G, a charming woman with whom I had lunch with
all last quarter, has an entire window display
at a book store on campus and it's lovely.
Just lovely!
The book's cover, her poetry, and the black & white still
of her in the garden (taken by her husband
who is also a published author & a fantastic guy).
She has a signing next week.
[Gurgle Gurgle]
It's not like I have 3 kids and I'm jerking myself
out of utter poverty or anything . . .