I actually have a few minutes
with nothing but this dashboard
and a hot cup of cinnamon tea in front of me.
Where to begin?
No where and everywhere, I suppose.
I'd simply leave early (it's 2:28
and I've vowed to stay until 5pm like a working
stiff this quarter) if I had anything
other to listen to than _The Cat Who
Went Bananas_. My partner thought I might like it.
Well, secretly, I guess, I kindof do. I don't listen
or read sentimental nonsense very often--
except I'm also reading some new ghost book
I picked up at the B&N a couple weeks ago . . .
Goes well with all the WS material and racial theroies
I'm dealing with this quarter. I'm trying to figure
out how to incorporate _Crash_ into my class . . .
it will be done.
I hate burning my tongue.
If I had twin boys who were about to turn seven,
I'd rent the local skating rink
and invite every single soul we knew--
every child in both classes, every friend, all family.
But I wouldn't buy gifts (well maybe one).
And I wouldn't skate b/c I like my butt left unharmed.
If I had a thirteen year old daughter,
she'd be finishing 8th grade and scheduling
for High School.
I'd have the speech: You need to focus on building
your "paper image" now for scholarships. I will help
you in every way possible. You must know, we, ehem,
have no money
saved for you. Nada.
Which would be more of a speech than I ever heard.
My writing group sucks.
I hope they never find this.
But we all know it[the suckiness factor].
My sestina was some type of "striking out," I believe--
and it wasn't, er, absorbed well.
One member is an actual poet; another, um, aspiring.
The poet is bored out of her mind
and won't write us back; the aspiring seems a bit self-absorbed.
*I'm so afraid someone will find this!*
*I've almost deleted this section twice!*
Me? I'm the reason it sucks.
Perhaps it will get better, if we all stick to it.
Or not.
Ever feel out of time and space?
Did my mother do drugs when I was interuterine?
Speaking of my mother: I only just learned
that she had a red convertable before she met my father.
He took everything away from her.
What would these two people like if they never met?
Both seem to have had incredible potential . . .
Disease is becoming quite the topic. I've had students
write on lots of good topics this quarter.
My WS200 is way over their heads & the work is terrible--
what to do? I'll never be asked to teach at that branch again.
But the plan was to leave academia in the Spring anyway.
I had so many things to say to you . . .
and they have all just fizzled away . . .