Not a Pre-Arrival Processing Center in the Strictest Sense
According to www.obgyncentersonline,
a Pap Smear:
"A Pap smear is a test to collect cells from the cervix, the lower, narrow end of the uterus. Laboratory analysis of the sample is used to look for abnormalities that might suggest the presence of cervical cancer or infection and inflammation. The American Cancer Society (ACS) recommends that women have their first Pap smear three years after first having sexual relations, or at age 21 if they have not been sexually active. Other experts suggest these tests should begin no later than age 18.
Dr. George PAPanicolaou developed the Pap smear more than 60 years ago, and it is now a standard gynecological screening test. As a result, the rate of death from cervical cancer has dropped dramatically over the years. Women who have regular Pap smears are very unlikely to develop invasive cervical cancer. In addition, when the disease is detected in its early stages, it is highly treatable.
Each year, 55 million Pap tests are performed in the United States, according to the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Approximately 6 percent – or 3.5 million – are found to be abnormal and require medical follow–up."
So you see, bloody cells might interfere
with the results of the test, yet is highly unlikely
due to the extent of the test's improvements
over the past 45 years. Yeah Dr. Papanicolaou!
"Pap" is also dialectical for nipple
as well--which could be what you were thinking of Euhem--
I used the word once in a poem about the Sudan . . .
But! I must say it does bother me that men
are often so, well, squeamish about the whole thing!
Of course Freud had his theories on that,
as did Irigrary have hers . . . I'd love to expond
on those theories, if anyone's interested.
Well! I should get some interesting hits today!
With the word "nipple" and all!